Welcome to the Pre-K Application Resource Center
If you are still deciding which Pre-K to attend, we can help. There are approximately 200 locations to choose from, so we can find the perfect fit for you. For many of our families, choosing a location that is close to home is critical. We have provided two lists of our options, each broken out by zip code, to help you.
Why two lists? Because they fall into two categories (“School-Based” and “Community-Based”). Both comply with our District standards – any location you choose from either list has met with our seal of approval.
Learn more and apply today.
Ready to Apply?
1. Collect ALL necessary documentation below. Applications will not be accepted without all supporting documentation below. (Exceptions for required documentation are made for foster/kinship care, Refugees, Asylum seekers, and families in temporary living situations).
Proof of child’s date of birth
Documentation of family income
Proof of TANF (DPW) cash, SNAP/food stamps, medical assistance
Proof of Philadelphia residency
Child’s health insurance card
Picture identification of parent/guardian
Note: Please include the following if they apply to you:
proof of TANF (DPW) cash
proof of SNAP/food stamps
proof of medical assistance
custody order
Med-1 form if staff will need to administer medication to your child
a copy of child’s IEP
foster letter
homeless verification letter/shelter letter
2. Fill out the application (see side bar).
3. For more information regarding School-based Prekindergarten programs call 215-400-4270. Someone from the intake team will respond as quickly as possible.
4. For more information regarding Prekindergarten Partner Locations call 215-400-4270. Someone from the intake team will respond as quickly as possible.